Friday, August 7, 2009

The popular image of a witch.

The witches of fairy-tale and pantomime are usually portrayed as old hags with discoloured skin, hooked noses, pointed chins rotten teeth and unsightly carbuncles of their faces. Clad in black cloaks and pointed hats and accompanied by a familiar they are essentially sinister characters. They may be an element of truth in these portrayals: the healers of long ago were often widows or spinsters, living alone with only a cat or some other creature for company, at a time when medicine and dentistry were in their infancy and coloured fabrics were a rarity. Present – day witches however bear absolutely no resemblance to these stereotypes. Like most woman we are interested in our appearance, taking care of our bodies and complexions and dressing in fashionable clothes. Our diet is more likely to be vegetarian than newt- oriented-and who needs a broomstick when you can use a car. We do wear ceremonial robes for certain rituals but, like uniforms everywhere, these confer a certain authority and confidence, serving to focus the mind on the task in hand.


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