Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sabbath/Seasonal Festival Lammas/Lughnasadh

Now is time for the festival of the first of the harvest, the feast of Lugh and of the sacrificial King who is these days most often represented by a gingerbread man.
It marks the bringing in of the grain harvest, it has many traditions associated with it, particularly relating to corn dollies and casting out evil. At this time when the wheat is separated from the chaff, we can focus on things in our own lives that need casting aside and also celebrate our personal harvest. It is a good time to ensure that the blessings we have are shared and to ensure that the bounty of the harvest returns to us at this time next year.

Seasonal Spell:
To Cast Aside Bad Habits

Purpose: To help banish unwanted bad habits.

As said above Lughnasadh falls in the period of the grain harvest, and one of the activities undertaken when reaping corn is the separation of the wheat grain from the chaff. This act carries over in to the symbolic harvest of our lives, and it is a time we consider all of the good things that has happened, gather them in appreciation and decide what bad habits need to be cast aside.
The best time for you to cast this spell is at Lughnasadh.

Things you will need:
X3 Orange Candles
Matches or lighter
X1 pen with brown ink
Sufficient strips of paper for each harvest blessing and each bad habit.
X1 fireproof dish

Casting the spell:
Start of this spell in a prepared circle then proceed to outdoors as follows.
1. Light the candles saying:
Come the harvest
Come the fruit
Those I need and
Those I don’t
Some I’ll keep and
Some I won’t.

2. Write down on the pieces of paper strips one at a time, the good things that have come to you and the habits you wish to lose.

3. Light the paper strips of the bad habits, and drop them into the fireproof dish to turn to ash.

4. Sprinkle the ash onto the paper strips of the good things that have come, and fold each one tightly.

5. Go out to the bonfire; cast them in one by one saying:
Blessings and curse
Come from the harvest
Return to the earth
To nourish next year’s.


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